Art Workshops Gallery

Art Workshops Gallery - Artist


Amei Richards

I'm an artist from the Sunshine Coast who loves the ocean, plants, animals, and traveling. I'm originally from Taiwan and started out as a language teacher at primary school. Then I finished MBA in Hawaii. I met my awesome husband, John while snowboarding in Hokkaido, Japan. We've traveled a lot and raised our two beautiful kids here on the Sunshine Coast.

My art is all about capturing the positivity and happiness of our environment and sharing that with others. Expressing emotions through art means a lot to me.

I love working with acrylics because it dries quickly, allowing me to be spontaneous. I've also been getting into pastels and color pencils, which let me play around with mixing colors. And then there's charcoal, which adds contrast and tones. Suprising how much we can do with just black and white! Hope you enjoy my art!
